The power of open, interactive, dynamic and participatory data in transport planning

Smarter Transport Conference


Robin Lovelace is Associate Professor of Transport Data Science at the Leeds Institute for Transport Studies (ITS) specialising in the analysis of regional transport systems and modelling scenarios of change. Robin is Lead Developer of the Propensity to Cycle Tool (see, and led the ActDev project, which demonstrates the feasibility of a nationally scalable tool to provide evidence on active travel provision and potential in and around new housing development. Now working on a fellowship in the No. 10 Data Science team (10DS), Robin will be working over the coming year on using new datasets and data science techniques to support the transition away from fossil fuels in the transport system, in a way that maximises health and equality opportunities associated with reduce car dependency and increases levels of walking, cycling and shared and public transport modes.

May 10, 2022 10:20 AM — 11:05 AM
The Queens Hotel
New Station Street, Leeds, LS1 1PJ
Robin Lovelace
Robin Lovelace
Professor of Transport Data Science

My research interests include geocomputation, data science for transport applications, active travel uptake and decarbonising transport systems