CRUSE to safe cycling in Ireland: an open source methodology to support active travel


This talk describes the design, features and potential use of the Cycle Route Uptake and Scenario Estimation (CRUSE) Tool for Ireland, commissioned to support cycle network planning, safety interventions, business cases and project evaluation. The resulting web application is available at, enabling planners, engineers, and other stakeholders to make more evidence-based decisions.

Apr 17, 2024 6:30 PM — 6:45 PM
Dublin, Ireland
RDS (Royal Dublin Society) Ballsbridge, Shelbourne Hall, Dublin,

In this talk I present the outputs from the Cycle Route Uptake and Scenario Estimation (CRUSE) Tool for Ireland, a web application that enables planners, engineers, and other stakeholders to make more evidence-based decisions. See the the website at

Time of the session: 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM on Wednesday, April 17, 2024

See the confpartners website for details.

Additional speakers:

  • Prof. Luis de Picado Santos, Full Professor, IST, Universidade de Lisboa, Characterization of accidents with cyclists in Lisbon: Study on the Built Environment Factors.
  • Mrs Maria Pohle, Researcher, Fraunhofer IVI, Safe Route Algorithm for Vulnerable Road Users
  • Dr Yannick Cornet, Senior Researcher for Sustainable Mobility Systems, University Of Žilina, Oxford roundabout and the art of safety: resistance to cycling infrastructure intervention
Robin Lovelace
Robin Lovelace
Professor of Transport Data Science

My research interests include geocomputation, data science for transport applications, active travel uptake and decarbonising transport systems