CRUSE to safe cycling in Ireland:

an open source methodology to support active travel

Robin Lovelaceon behalf of the CRUSE team

University of Leeds, Institute for Transport Studies


  • Introduction (5 min)

  • Changes to CRUSE: extension work (15 min)

  • Testing new website (10 min)

  • Feedback, Q&A + discussion (30 min)

    • General feedback on new site
    • Feedback on the recreational outputs
    • Feedback on the tourism network


Source: National Cycle Network Scoping Study

Interactive, open, robust, national evidence

Presentation in Sligo

  • We presented at the TII National Roads and Greenways Conference, September 2022

Overview: how did we get here?

What is CRUSE?

Impact of recreation: old

Impact of updated build + visualisation

Impact of recreation: new

Updates to county level statistics

  • Note: number of trip to be updated

Results: trip distance/frequency/mode

Sampling cycleways as tourist trip origins/destinations

Weighted tourism potential

Trips between Counties - unjittered

Trips between Counties - jittered

Results: National cycle tourism (balanced network)

Results: National cycle tourism (fastest network)

Notes on modelling approach

  • identifying destinations for recreational trips

    • cycleways (Greenways, EuroVelo, Sports Ireland and OSM)
    • tourism nodes from Geodirectory (e.g. campsites)
    • green spaces from OSM

Notes on modelling II

  • simulating trips to destinations

    • number of trips: 5 recreational cycle trips per 100 people (from PAG Unit 13 - see link in recreational.Rmd)
    • turn destinations into point layer
    • assign destination weights
    • intra-county and inter-county trips
  • routing

  • validation

Next steps: Phase 2

  • Update to include new Census results
  • New POWSCAR data available from 2023
  • Updates to User Interface
  • Improvements to make the contributions and additions easier
    • Refactor the codebase
    • Open source the codebase
    • Building a community of contributors
  • Training and community building

Feedback, Q&A, discussion

  • Does the network in your home County look reasonable?
  • Are the visualisations clear and appropriate?
  • How do you envisage using the CRUSE tool in your work?
  • Is anything missing?