The Active Travel Infrastructure Platform (ATIP)​

May 24, 2023 10:45 AM — 11:15 AM


ATIP is an open source web app initially developed in early 2023 to enable local transport planners to document, store and share geographic data on planned interventions. As of May 2023 ATIP provides an intuitive interface to quickly sketch the location of a wide range of interventions including:

  • Linear infrastructure, including new routes, pavement widening and road diets projects
  • Crossings, including new pelican, zebra and other types of crossings
  • Area-wide traffic management schemes, including modal filters and boundaries

Users can also add describe their planned schemes with free test or ATE’s taxonomy (in progress). ATIP is designed for ease-of-use. It makes drawing lines and polygons snapped to existing streets and paths easy with ‘route snapper’ functionality, a world first for polygons. The talk will outline the thinking behind ATIP, how it’s been used in ATE to collect, for the first time, detailed geographic data on schemes, and the roadmap towards ATIP becoming a one stop shop for active travel infrastructure nationwide. ATIP. Finally, the talk will cover the technology powering ATIP, including Svelte, MapLibre GL, Rust, WebAssembly, and OpenStreetMap and how to harness these tools for other projects.

Robin Lovelace
Robin Lovelace
Professor of Transport Data Science

My research interests include geocomputation, data science for transport applications, active travel uptake and decarbonising transport systems